Best ChoiceSpeciality Coffee
High quality Specialty Coffee from the slopes of Mt. Kenya.
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25+ Years Family Heritage of

Speciality Coffee

Established in 1998, the transformation of NJEMU Coffee Estate from a conventional coffee farm to a specialty coffee producer is a remarkable story! It  exemplifies dedication, commitment, and pursuit of excellence that have become integral to their success in the specialty coffee industry.

The dedication  has seen Njemu partner with esteemed green coffee buyers and specialty coffee roasters  like SEY COFFEE(Brooklyn, USA), Unity Sourcing and Roasting (Los Angeles, USA), Pilot Coffee Roasters (Toronto, Canada), Louis Dreyfus, etc.

Njemu’s dedication and commitment across all aspects of coffee production, from the farm to processing and storage saw it secure first place in the 2019 SUCAFINA quality awards in the Best Cupping Small Estate category solidifying its reputation as a leading producer of specialty coffee in the Kenya.

NJEMU Coffee Estate’s journey is a testament to their unwavering commitment to producing high-quality coffee and their ability to collaborate with industry leaders to bring their exceptional product to coffee enthusiasts around the world.


Our Services

Green Coffee

Quality specialty coffee from Mt. Kenya comprising of SL28 & Other varieties. Processing - Fully washed beans.

Agronomic Consultancy

Highly experienced coffee experts offering unmatched agronomic support for coffee farmers.

Educational Farm Tour

Njemu offers guided education tours in its fast estates for students and farmers to learn good practices.

Best Farm Methods

We know coffee


Praesent tincidunt odio libero, in viverra erat finibus stibulum andy facilisi mollis nibh, ut bibendum sapien.

High Quality

Specialty Coffees

Wanna learn? Book for a

Farm Tour

Do you want to learn about Coffee? The Coffee experts at Njemu Coffee Estate are happy to give you a memorable estate tour and share rich insights about coffee planting and processing, all this over lots of cups of amazing Njemu coffee!  

At 5,523 ft. above sea level

Our Mission is

  •  to improve our farming and processing by continuing to apply eco-friendly techniques;
  • to maintain a good and long-term customer producer relationship; 
  • to earn the trust of our community, partners and our customers by
    producing the best coffee.


What Customers Say

Njemu Coffee Estate’s products and services are highly recommended by top Coffee industry experts! According to the q-graders, Njemu Coffee
Estate is producing high-quality coffee that is rich in caramel, chocolate and fruit notes.

The excellence in cup quality has been a journey of constant improvement over the years. Njemu Coffee Estate team passion and resilience as specialty coffee producers is unmatched.

John Peter Mbature

Kamavindi Coffee Lab Director, Member and Director Kushikamana Speciality Coffee Producers


Special Award

Njemu Coffee Estate scooped the 1st place Sucafina 2019 Quality Awards

From the Blog

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